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4545 Research Forest Drive Suite C, The Woodlands, TX 77381moc.liamg%40ucasdnaldoow

Call/Text: (713) 377-1832

Sorry, we no longer take insurance or check payments, but all major credit/debit cards, including HSA/FSA are welcome! Visit the Services page to view our varied rates by provider

4545 Research Forest Drive Suite C, The Woodlands, TX 77381moc.liamg%40ucasdnaldoow

Call/Text: (713) 377-1832

Frequently Asked Questions


— Oriental Medicine

Acupuncture Clinic

We have collected some questions with their answers so you can learn more about our services and approach. If you still have questions, you can get in touch with us.

About Acupuncture

  • What is acupuncture?

    Acupuncture is a complete and holistic medical system with a history of more than 3000 years, and is one of the main branches of Oriental Medicine.
    It involves the insertion of fine, flexible, hair-like needles onto specific points of the body to promote natural healing, strengthen immunity, eliminate pain, and restore physical and emotional health.
    As one of the oldest continually practiced medical systems, acupuncture has stood the test of time with its vast knowledge of effectively treating many illnesses ranging from everyday to complex.

  • How does it work?

    In Eastern Medicine terms:

    Acupuncture works by unblocking and promoting the energetic flow called Qi (pronounced "chee”) of the body through a network called "meridians," similar to the systems of nerves and blood vessels. The entire body's vitality and functions depend on this energetic network. Pain or illnesses are formed from the blockage or lack of flow, like a dam blocking a stream watering the trees.

    Each meridian is connected to a specific organ, and the pathways are mapped onto the body at specific acupuncture points. These points are like relay stations that regulate the network. When needled, they activate the communication and restore the Qi flow of the meridians.

    In Western Medicine terms:

    Western Medicine has yet to fully understand how acupuncture works, mainly due to the differences in medical structure and holistic philosophy.

    With research, popular theories such as the Autonomic Nervous System Theory, Gate-Control Theory, and Blood Chemistry Theory have emerged. These systems are thought to be activated when specific points are needled, resulting in pain relief and improved immunity response.

    The specific points have also been shown to have lower electrical resistance than non-acupuncture points. The latest research has identified the meridians' physical structure as micro-tubular networks called Bonghan Channels, rich in DNA fragments, stem cells, and hyaluronic acid. They are theorized to carry a high volume of information versus the limited one-way signals of the nervous system.

  • What is Qi?

    Qi is the fundamental energy that makes everything exist and function. When it comes to health, Qi is the equivalence of biological electricity that circulates, activates, and balances the overall functioning of our bodies.

    The abundance of Qi, or lack thereof, as well as the quality of flow, determines our physical and emotional well-being. Qi flows on pathways called "the meridians." Through thousands of years of experiments, the meridians have been accurately mapped. There are more than 360 acupuncture points where Qi can be accessed and activated.

  • How safe is acupuncture?

    Acupuncture is very safe and minimally invasive. Your acupuncturist has been trained extensively for the safe handling of the needle. Ensure your acupuncturist is licensed, has been trained in a nationally accredited school by NCCAOM, with at least 2800 hours, and has a diploma in Oriental Medicine.

  • Is acupuncture effective and safe for kids?

    Yes, acupuncture can be very safe and effective for kids. The general age range for acupuncture is six years old on. If younger than six, then acupressure (noninvasive) can be used to obtain similar results.

    Young children's constitution is very responsive to treatment due to a lack of complexity and faster energy flow. This typically results in a quick response to treatment and them getting well quickly.

  • What are other treatment therapies in Oriental Medicine besides acupuncture?

    The other therapies include:

    ● Herbal therapy:
    Your acupuncturist may prescribe you herbal medicines, either in the form of pills, tea granules, or loose herbs, to help maximize your results. Chronic conditions will often benefit from herbal therapy.

    ● Diet therapy:
    Diet is essential and often the core of your well-being. A popular saying in Chinese medicines states, "Most diseases start from the mouth." Your acupuncturist will provide nutritional guidelines to help you get the maximum and long-lasting results.

    ● Tui-Na:
    This is therapeutic bodywork that your acupuncturist may perform to help release tension, correct musculoskeletal imbalances, improve circulation, and complement acupuncture sessions to provide maximum relief.

    ● Gua-Sha:
    This manual therapy uses a tool with a blunt edge and stroke along some regions of the body to release tension, break up knots, and improve immune function. Gua-sha can be a treatment of its own or can be combined with acupuncture.

    ● Cupping:
    This is a manual therapy of adding heat or fire to a glass cup, "fire cupping," which creates a suction or vacuum effect when cool and placed on the affected area. This suction "pulls" up layers of muscle and tissue, which helps to release tension, improve blood flow, loosen fibrous adhesions, and improve immune function.

    This is the burning of an herb (mugwort) close to an affected body area, generally used to treat pain, especially if the pain gets worse with cold or damp, rainy weather. It is used in stick form and may be sent home for patients to use independently.

The Acupuncture Treatment

  • What will my acupuncturist do?

    Your acupuncturist will first ask questions about your current condition(s), health history, diet and lifestyle, and any related issues/symptoms. We will then look at your tongue and take pulse readings to determine the diagnosis in Chinese medicine terms.

    Physical examinations may be necessary to help the diagnosis further. Once the treatment protocol is planned out for you, you will receive your first acupuncture treatment.

  • Does it hurt?

    This is a very common question! Acupuncture is very gentle and most often painless. The needles are so thin that about five of them can fit in a hypodermic needle. Everyone is a little different in their sensitivity, however, and you may feel in the area being needled a slight sensation of heaviness, achiness, warmth, tingling, or even relaxation. This is absolutely normal.

  • How many treatments do I need?

    The number of treatments depends on the severity and the type of condition you have. Recent conditions will typically need fewer treatments than chronic conditions. The average number of treatments to begin is 4-6. It can be done once or twice a week, whichever yields the best result for you.

    Acupuncture works in a series of treatments. You should not have treatments too close together or too far apart. For example, you may initially come in twice a week for the first two weeks. Then once your symptoms improve, we'll back off to once a week, steadily increasing the level of improvement.

    Once the symptoms are gone, it's ideal to come in once every three weeks or once a month for a tune-up on the results. It's crucial for every patient to keep this structure to prevent off-and-on symptoms from creeping back in between so that results will stay more permanent.

  • What to know after an acupuncture treatment?

    After treatment, a patient will usually feel very relaxed and calm. If your treatment is for pain relief, you can expect a reduction in pain or may feel a little tender in the area that has been worked on. This is normal, and it is a healing response.
    For many pain cases, relief is instant. Depending on your severity, the length of relief after treatment can vary, from hours, days, or a week or more, which then you may have to follow up to maximize your results.
    Acupuncture's effect is cumulative, so the results of the current treatment are enhanced by the previous treatments until you are fully well.
    Generally speaking, immediately after acupuncture, you should:
    1. Drink some tea or warm water2. Refrain from overexertion, working out, sexual intercourse, or alcohol for up to 12 hours after visit.3. Avoid stressful situations, Make time to relax, and be sure to get plenty of rest.4. Between visits, take notes of any changes that may have occurred, such as the alleviation of pain, pain moving to other areas, small bruises(Ecchymosis), big bruises, swollen tissues or changes in the frequency and type of problems.

  • What to know before an acupuncture treatment?

    ● Because acupuncture works with your energy, eating a light meal or snack before the treatment is recommended .
    ● Make sure not to brush the tongue beforehand for a correct tongue reading/diagnosis.
    ● Wear loose and comforable clothing for easy access to acupuncture points. You may also decide to change into a medical gown or robe if needed.
    ● Be sure to bring your list of medications so the acupuncturist can help determine the most appropriate treatment protocol.
    ● Bring a medical diagnosis you have gotten from a Doctor (M.D., D.O., DC., or DDS), if you can.
    ● Bring Blood tests, MRI scan (CD), CT scan, EKG(ECG), X-ray results, Ultrasound, ..., if you have.
    ● Your first visit will be Medical Exam, Tongue and Pulse Diagnosis,Health History Review, Consultation with your condition, Treatment Plan with your condition, and Wellness Check (Diet, Lifestyle, ...), Acupuncture Treatment and a Cupping (complimentary) session if you need.
    ● Your follow-up visit will be Medical Exam/Wellness Check and Acupuncture Treatment.

  • Where are the needles being placed?

    In most cases, needles will be placed on the extremities of the lower arms and legs, ears, and head. Other cases may need local areas to be needled as appropriate to the diagnosis and treatment.