◦ Friendly update! In 2025, we NO LONGER accept any insurance directly. We gladly accept HSA/FSA cards, and superbills are available upon request. Dr. Belinda and Dr. Louis have varied hours and rates, so please call/txt 713-377-1832 for availability & pricing details!
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Call/Text: (713) 377-1832
In the hands of a well-trained and licensed practitioner, acupuncture and Eastern Medicine has much broader applications beyond pain relief. The World Health Organization (WHO) recognizes the use of acupuncture in the treatment of a wide range of common illnesses including:
Most people experience significant pain at some point in their lives - whether from an injury, illness or an unknown cause. Pain is a warning signal, an alarm that goes off when your body is trying to tell you something is wrong and out of balance.
How to manage pain?
No one should have to live with pain, but which treatment is appropriate for you? Sometimes, people suffering from pain take medication to dull the pain. Taking medication is understandable when pain is constant and unbearable. It may be helpful to dull the symptoms for a short period of time, but it will not get to the root of the problem and correct it. It is like hitting the snooze button on an alarm.
Unless the cause of the pain is treated, that provides nourishment and life to the land, plants, and people around it. Likewise, meridians transport life-giving Qi that provides nourishment to every cell, tissue, muscle, organ, and gland in the body.
Qi needs to flow freely throughout the body. Think of water flowing through a garden hose. A blocked hose will not provide an adequate supply of water to a plant. Eventually, the plant will be unable to thrive, grow and blossom.
Similarly, a blockage in the flow of Qi anywhere in the body will inhibit the amount of nourishment that reaches our cells, tissues, muscles, organs, and glans. Under normal circumstances, your body can easily return to good health and vitality.
If the disruption of Qi is prolonged or excessive, or if your body is in a weakened state, the flow of Qi becomes restricted, and a variety of symptoms, including pain, may arise.
What does acupuncture do?
By inserting fine, sterile needles at specific points, an acupuncturist can break up blockages that have hampered the smooth flow of Qi. Once done, Qi can travel freely throughout the body, promoting pain-free health, well-being, and vitality.
Not only can acupuncture treat signs and symptoms of pain and discomfort, but it can also get to the root of the problem. When the initial cause of the pain is corrected, your body can begin to heal on deeper levels.
Your acupuncturist may also suggest adjunct therapies to enhance treatment and speed healing, such as acupressure, stretching, yoga, herbal supplements, and dietary changes.
With what types of pain can acupuncture help me?
● Joint Pain(Neck/Shoulder/Back etc).● Migraines and headaches.● Fibromyalgia.● Arthritis/Sciatica/Neuropathy.● And more.
As a woman, it's important to actively care for your health through all the phases of life. Not only is nurturing your well-being a part of living in harmony with nature's cycles, but it can also improve your quality of life.
Most women face a wide variety of health concerns as they age, from PMS, fertility, and childbirth issues, to menopause and beyond. Whatever your concerns are, acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) offer a safe, natural, and effective way to support your physical and emotional health.
A Whole-body Approach to Healing
Acupuncture and TCM take a holistic or whole-body approach to health. According to these theories, Qi (pronounced "chee") is the vital energy that animates the body and flows through pathways called meridians to nourish all of the body's organs.
When there is an imbalance or blockage in the flow of Qi, the cells, tissues, muscles, and organs will receive an inadequate amount of your body's vital energy. When this occurs, physical symptoms relating to various medical concerns may result.
Gynecological Health
TCM tells us that specific meridian and organ systems, in this case, the kidney, spleen, and liver, are related to gynecological health. When one or more of these systems are affected, you may experience uncomfortable symptoms before or during your period.
Fertility issues can also be related to these organs. Your practitioner will work to find the underlying imbalances and devise a treatment plan that will help your body regain its natural balance.
Your menstrual period can provide a great deal of information about your overall health. Unfortunately, many women suffer from a wide variety of symptoms every month.
Premenstrual syndrome, known as PMS, can cause cramps, bloating, fatigue, breast pain, mood swings, and changes in appetite during the onset of menstruation. But you do not have to dread your period every month.
Acupuncture, combined with herbal medicine, dietary changes, and exercise, can help you regain hormonal balance and achieve symptomatic relief.
Fibroids & Endometriosis
Changes in your period can have several causes, some of which may be serious. Talk to your healthcare provider if you start experiencing intense pain or heavy bleeding.
Uterine fibroids are one of the more common causes of menstrual problems for women in their 30s and 40s. Fibroids are non-cancerous lumps that can grow on the uterus and, in some cases, can cause long-heavy periods, pain during sex, and a feeling of fullness or pressure in the stomach.
Endometriosis also affects many women in their 30s and 40s. It occurs when uterine cells start to grow outside the uterus and can cause low back pain during menstruation, pain during sex, nausea, vomiting, and fatigue.
Western treatments for both these conditions often include medications or surgery. While more research is needed, several studies have shown that acupuncture can significantly relieve the painful periods often associated with these and other conditions.
Fertility, Pregnancy & Childbirth
Facing fertility issues can be stressful for the body, mind, and spirit. But there is hope. Many couples who seek fertility treatments can conceive. Incorporating acupuncture and TCM into your overall treatment plan can help.
Acupuncture has been shown to increase the chance of getting pregnant when used in conjunction with Vitro Fertilization, and TCM can be very effective in addressing the underlying emotional causes of infertility.
Pregnancy comes with its unique challenges. Since so much is demanded of your body at this time, caring for your health is fundamental for the well-being of both you and your child. Acupuncture and TCM are safe and effective for many of the symptoms that often accompany pregnancy, including anxiety, stress, back pain, sciatica, constipation, edema, fatigue, heartburn, hemorrhoids, and morning sickness.
Recent studies have shown that the use of acupuncture during labor may reduce the need for pain medications and help the mother stay more relaxed. After childbirth, acupuncture and TCM can help new moms take much-needed time to recover, rebalance, and rejuvenate.
An Acupuncturist's Approach to Fertility
According to the theories of acupuncture and TCM, infertility is caused by an imbalance of the body's energy flow called Qi (pronounced "chee") and blood affecting the healthy functioning of one or more of the organ systems.
When the body's energy and blood flow are circulating freely throughout the body, every cell, tissue, and organ is properly nourished and can function well. Acupuncture and TCM can raise the fertility potential of women by improving the quality, quantity, and balance of energy and blood flow.
Quick Facts
According to the theories of acupuncture and TCM, infertility is caused by an imbalance of the body's energy flow called Qi (pronounced "chee") and blood affecting the healthy functioning of one or more of the organ systems.
When the body's energy and blood flow are circulating freely throughout the body, every cell, tissue, and organ is properly nourished and can function well. Acupuncture and TCM can raise the fertility potential of women by improving the quality, quantity, and balance of energy and blood flow.
TCM can help with both women’s health and men's health. Similarly to women, men also go through stages of bodily changes throughout their lives and even face hormonal changes as well, a period of time called the andropause. Andropause, otherwise known as the male menopause, is usually triggered by low testosterone or androgen levels, hence decreasing the sex drive and makes one feel moody and weak.
The process of andropause plays out over a longer period of time than menopause, where the hormonal shifts such as the decline in testosterone levels begin to take place starting in a man’s mid 30s and continue into his 50s or later. The hormonal shifts are subtle over decades though, unlike women’s menopause where the hormones can decline rapidly within a few years. By the time the symptoms of andropause are evident - which can show up as loss of muscle mass, decreased athletic performance, lowered mental function, diminished sex drive, the vitality and vigor of men have already been much reduced and pathology is already in place. Of the ten most common causes of death in men, five are directly related to this reduction in androgen dominance in the body of men.
The five major players of death for men are mainly heart disease, stroke, diabetes, suicide (depression) and Alzheimer’s disease. However proper management of men’s health starting from the middle years can play a significant role in prevention and treatment of these disease patterns.
Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH)
Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is a very common andropause disorder, where the prostate becomes enlarged. Symptoms of this disorder include frequent urination, trouble starting to urine, weak stream, inability to urinate or loss of bladder control.
So the question for men is not “How do I avoid prostate enlargement?” but “how do I keep an enlarged prostate from causing me problems?” And the answer lies in good management of andropause.
Management of Men’s Health with TCM
Generally, men tend to be poor at self care and often reluctant to seek medical care from a complementary or conventional professional. However more men are beginning to realise the benefits of preventive care. As men live longer, they realise it is important to maintain optimal energy, acute mental function, balanced emotions and good physical strength and stamina. All the above mentioned problems that can be faced by men in the process of aging can be addressed with TCM and specifically with acupuncture by improving the circulation and slow down the process of andropause and its accompanying health problems.
By doing so, it makes a full and vital life into “old age” for men a reality.
How Dr Louis can help you deal with Men's Health issues
Dr Louis will first do a detailed consultation and assessment with you to find out the root cause of the issue. He will then draw up a custom treatment plan that can include but not restricted to acupuncture, cupping, Chinese herbs and natural supplements along with other TCM modalities.
Functional medicine is a patient-centered, science-based approach to health that aims to identify and address the root causes of disease rather than just treating symptoms. It focuses on understanding how genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors interact to influence health and disease. Practitioners work closely with patients to create personalized treatment plans that often include diet, nutrition, exercise, stress management, and sometimes supplements or medications.
As a parent, you want nothing more than for your child to be healthy. Regular checkups with your family doctor are an important part of maintaining good physical health. These visits allow your doctor to detect and correct minor problems before they become major health concerns.
You may not think of acupuncture as an important piece of your child's health care. However, it can be an essential alternative therapy to help regain and maintain your child's health. An acupuncturist can check the overall quality and balance of your child's Life Energy, called Qi (pronounced "chee").
Acupuncture for Seniors
A longevity-boosting natural procedure that dates all the way back to the ancient Chinese period ...
It involves the placement of needles along with particular spots on the skin to diagnose and cure different illnesses and symptoms. Acupuncture uses needles to treat a variety of ailments as the body receives healing signals from the stimulation.
Many seniors love going to acupuncture sessions but may not be able to get there as they get older.
If you have not yet looked into senior care for your older parents, it is never too late to start looking. These facilities can help drive your older parents from appointments to their homes and more places. Acupuncture may be something your parents want to try this year, and it is vital to have a safe way to and from these appointments.Acupuncture treatments boost the elderly’s health and are intended to alleviate their problems without the need of drugs. This ancient remedy has been used to cure a variety of ailments, including back discomfort and colds. Some study suggests that acupuncture may be used to treat diabetes, obesity, cancer, and multiple sclerosis, but further research is required to prove this.
Benefits of Having a Senior Getting 'poked' by a Licensed Acupuncturist:
There are a few things you may not know about acupuncture, it can have various health benefits for seniors.
● Prevents falls and injuries● Helps manage knee and back pain● Helps with the balance and dizziness● Helps for anxiety, sleeping and urination problems● Helps with gut health, inflammation and poor digestive system● Helps maintain mental health and sharpes memory● Helps with the balance and dizziness● Helps for anxiety, sleeping and urination problems● Helps with gut health, inflammation and poor digestive system● Helps maintain mental health and sharpes memory
All seniors should discuss acupuncture with their doctors to see if it's an option. This doesn’t mean a senior should stop taking medications or use acupuncture as a treatment for serious problems. However, it may be something good to add in for additional help. There may be many more benefits of acupuncture.
Senior Care: Is This Treatment Safe for Seniors?
Acupuncture is a painless procedure. When it comes to geriatric health, acupuncture has fewer adverse effects than the majority of conventional medical therapies. If any adverse reactions occur, they are usually minimal. Needles may cause discomfort as they penetrate the skin, although the discomfort will be brief. Additionally, you may bleed somewhat. Individuals seldom suffer from nausea and vomiting, however, the symptoms often last little more than a day. Hiring transportation help would be great for your immobile senior to get them to and from appointments with their acupuncturist. At the Woodlands Acupuncture, Dr. Louis is a specialist for geriatric TCM care.
Acupuncture, a traditional Chinese medicine practice, has gained recognition for its potential benefits in supporting cancer and stroke patients. It is believed to promote relaxation, stimulate the release of endorphins, improve blood circulation, reduce inflammation, and enhance overall well-being.
Can acupuncture help with stroke recovery?
Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medicine practice that involves the insertion of thin needles into specific points on the body. While there is limited scientific evidence on the effectiveness of acupuncture for stroke recovery, some studies suggest that it may have potential benefits.
Research indicates that acupuncture may help with certain stroke-related symptoms such as motor function, speech problems, and muscle stiffness. It is believed that acupuncture may stimulate the release of certain neurotransmitters, increase blood flow, and promote tissue healing.
Acupuncture has been studied for its potential effects on the immune system, and while the research is still limited, there is some evidence to suggest that acupuncture may have immunomodulatory effects.
Studies have shown that acupuncture can influence various components of the immune system, including immune cells, cytokines, and other immune-regulating factors. Acupuncture may modulate the production and activity of immune cells, such as T cells, B cells, and natural killer (NK) cells. It may also affect the release of cytokines, which are signaling molecules involved in immune responses.
Can acupuncture help with autoimmune conditions?
Acupuncture is sometimes used as a complementary therapy for autoimmune conditions. It is believed to have a regulatory effect on the immune system, potentially helping to rebalance immune responses in autoimmune disorders.
While there is anecdotal evidence and some preliminary research to support its use, it's crucial to consult with a healthcare professional to determine if acupuncture is appropriate and safe for your specific autoimmune condition.
Can acupuncture help prevent illnesses or infections?
While acupuncture is often used to support overall health and well-being, it is not a method of preventing illnesses or infections directly. Acupuncture may help regulate immune function and support overall immune health
Can acupuncture treat cancer or help manage cancer symptoms?
While further research is needed to fully understand its mechanisms, acupuncture shows promise as a supportive modality in the management of cancer and stroke.