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4545 Research Forest Drive Suite C, The Woodlands, TX 77381moc.liamg%40ucasdnaldoow

Call/Text: (713) 377-1832

Sorry, we no longer take insurance or check payments, but all major credit/debit cards, including HSA/FSA are welcome! Visit the Services page to view our varied rates by provider

4545 Research Forest Drive Suite C, The Woodlands, TX 77381moc.liamg%40ucasdnaldoow

Call/Text: (713) 377-1832


— What We Offer

Leading Experts of Eastern Medicine in Northern Houston

Our team of experienced practitioners is dedicated to providing exceptional TCM services that encompass a range of modalities, including acupuncture, herbal medicine, cupping, gua sha, and more. 

Whether you are seeking relief from pain, looking to address a specific health condition, or simply aiming to enhance your overall wellness, our TCM services offer a holistic approach that focuses on restoring balance and harmony within your body.

— Balance Your Qi


Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medical practice that involves the insertion of thin needles into specific points on the body. These points, known as acupuncture points, are believed to be connected by pathways or meridians through which vital energy, called Qi, flows.

Some acupuncture needles on a wood table with some leaves behind
A brown-haired woman lies down on her side with acupuncture needles in her ear.

The goal of acupuncture is to restore the balance of Qi in the body, as imbalances are believed to cause various health conditions.

The needles are typically inserted to varying depths and may be stimulated by gentle manipulation or heat. Acupuncture is commonly used to alleviate pain, promote relaxation, and improve overall well-being. It is often used in conjunction with other forms of traditional Chinese medicine.

Several small white bowls with different medicinal herbs

— Natural Medicine

Chinese Herbal Medicine

Chinese herbal medicine is an integral component of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) that involves using various herbs and botanical substances to promote health and treat ailments. It is based on the concept of restoring balance and harmony within the body.

Chinese herbal medicine utilizes a vast repertoire of plant-based ingredients, such as roots, leaves, flowers, and minerals, which are often combined into complex formulas tailored to individual patients based on their unique patterns of disharmony.

Chinese herbal medicine aims to address the underlying causes of illness and improve overall well-being by restoring the body's natural balance. It is commonly used to treat a wide range of conditions, including digestive disorders, respiratory ailments, hormonal imbalances, and more.

Functional and Nutritional Medicine by Dr. Belinda

As a professional healthcare provider specializing in functional medicine and nutritional medicine, Dr. Belinda's goal is to work with each patient to help paint a complete picture of their health. She believes that true wellness can only be achieved by addressing the underlying metabolic, nutritional, and toxic factors that contribute to and escalate chronic diseases. In consultations, Dr. Belinda will guide patients through the process of understanding nutrition labels and selecting foods that will not only fuel their bodies but also nourish their minds. By empowering patients with knowledge, Dr. Belinda aims to help them make healthier choices not only for themselves but also for their families.

During comprehensive assessments, Dr. Belinda takes the time to listen to patients' medical history, lifestyle, and current health concerns. Together, they delve into the interconnected systems of their bodies and explore the relationship they have with nutrition and lifestyle factors. By thoroughly reviewing symptoms, conducting laboratory tests, analyzing dietary habits, and considering unique circumstances, Dr. Belinda can devise personalized treatment plans tailored to each patient's needs. These treatment plans may involve dietary modifications, targeted supplementation, stress management strategies, and lifestyle recommendations. By addressing the root causes of health issues, Dr. Belinda and her patients can work towards achieving long-term results and improving overall well-being.

  • Read more

    With a friendly and supportive tone, Dr. Belinda is here to guide patients on their journey toward better health. Let her and the patient work together to optimize nutrition, lifestyle, and overall health so that the patient can live life to the fullest.


— Other Services

Other Services

A group of men and women are practicing Qigong at the park


Qigong is a branch of traditional Chinese medicine that focuses on the cultivating, balancing, and manipulation of Qi (vital energy) within the body for healing and promoting well-being. It involves a combination of breath control, movement, meditation, and visualization techniques.

Through focused intention and mindful movements, Medical Qigong aims to strengthen the body's self-healing mechanisms, boost vitality, and improve overall health. It can be used as a standalone therapy or in conjunction with other forms of traditional Chinese medicine, such as acupuncture and herbal medicine.

A woman is doing Taiji at the beach


Taiji, also known as Tai Chi, is a traditional Chinese martial art and a form of exercise that combines deep breathing, slow and flowing movements, and mindfulness. It originated in ancient China and is rooted in the principles of Taoism and the concept of yin and yang.

Taiji aims to harmonize the body, mind, and spirit by promoting balance, flexibility, and inner calm. Practitioners perform a series of gentle, graceful movements slowly and deliberately, focusing on the present moment and cultivating a sense of tranquility.

It is widely practiced for its numerous health benefits, including improved posture, enhanced relaxation, increased strength and flexibility, and reduced stress. Taiji is more than a martial art; it is a holistic practice that promotes overall well-being.

A Traditional Chinese Medicine Doctor is performing a cupping treatment on a woman's back


Cupping is a therapeutic technique that has been used for centuries in traditional Chinese medicine and other cultures. It involves placing cups, typically made of glass, plastic, or bamboo, on the skin and creating a vacuum effect.
Cupping helps to promote blood circulation, relieve muscle tension, alleviate pain, reduce inflammation, promote relaxation, and stimulate the flow of Qi (vital energy) in the body.
It is commonly applied to areas of the back, shoulders, or limbs; and may leave temporary circular marks on the skin due to localized congestion.

An African-American  woman is relaxed while getting a gua sha massage on her face.

Gua Sha

Gua sha is a traditional therapeutic technique popular in traditional Chinese medicine. It involves using a smooth-edged instrument, often made of jade, horn, or ceramic, to scrape the skin gently. The scraping motion is applied to lubricated skin in a specific pattern, typically along the meridians or energy pathways of the body.
Gua sha aims to promote blood circulation, release tension, and stimulate the flow of qi (vital energy) to alleviate pain and restore balance. The scraping action creates temporary redness or bruising, known as "sha," which is believed to indicate the release of stagnation and toxins from the body.

A professional chinese medicine doctor is permorming ear candling to a woman.

Ear Candling

Ear candling is a practice that belongs to the world of alternative medicine. It is used to treat earwax buildups and many other ear-related conditions.

An ear candle performs the process of the candling. It's a hollow cone made out of fabric covered in wax. When the pointy end goes into the ear, the other side is lite. The result is a suction-like action that is made possible by the warmth.

Some benefits of ear candling include: removing wax, bacteria, and other debris from the ear canal, treating sinus infections, improving hearing or reversing hearing loss, relieving sore throats, treating colds and cases of flu, relieving headaches and migraines, improving mental clarity, purifying the blood, reducing tinnitus (ringing in the ears), hearing problems, and sinus infections or other sinus conditions.

Acupuncturist applying pressure on a man's hand


Acupressure is a therapeutic massage technique rooted in traditional Chinese medicine. It encompasses a range of manual techniques, including pressing, kneading, rolling, and stretching, to the body's muscles and acupressure points.
Acupressure to promote the flow of Qi (vital energy) and blood throughout the body, balance yin and yang energies, and enhance overall well-being. The techniques used in acupressure are applied with specific rhythms, pressures, and sequences tailored to individual needs and conditions. It helps alleviate pain, reduce muscle tension, improve circulation, and enhance overall well-being.

Acupuncturist applying pressure on a man's hand

Telemedicine Consultation with Prof. Jin

*1st telemedicine consultation with Prof. Guan-Yuan Jin - Scheduled and conducted via Zoom, $185 (max. 45min)

*Follow up telemedicine consultation with Prof. Guan-Yuan Jin - Scheduled and conducted via Zoom, $165 (max. 30min)

*Each additional 15min of consultation +$20

*1st visit / new patient discount package $1300 (one 45min telemedicine consultation with Prof. Guan-Yuan Jin - scheduled and conducted via Zoom, + 10 acupuncture treatments conducted by Prof. Jin's son - Dr. Louis)

*Follow up patient discount package $1200 (two 30min telemedicine consultations with Prof. Guan-Yuan Jin +10 acupuncture treatments conducted by Prof. Jin's son - Dr. Louis)

Availability: Prof. Jin is available for consultation most nights after 7p (CST) and weekends after 11am. To request/reserve your consultation appointments, please email moc.liamg%40ucasdnaldoow at least 7 business days in advance of your desired date/time, with your contact information (full name, email, and cellphone #)

— Acupuncture and Eastern Medicine

Frequently Asked Questions

We have collected some questions with their answers so you can learn more about our services and approach. If you have additional questions, please call / email us. Or click the "Contact Us" button below

About Acupuncture

  • How does acupuncture work?

    Acupuncture involves the insertion of fine needles into specific acupuncture points to stimulate the body’s response to heal itself. Traditional explanations of acupuncture involve its effect on improving the flow of qi (‘vital energy’) and on balancing Yin and Yang throughout the body. 
    By stimulating specific points on the body with pressure or fine needles, acupuncture practitioners are able to restore healthy function, thus resolving symptoms and improving disease. Based on classical descriptions with a modern understanding, we now know that the flow of qi corresponds to nerve transmission, connective tissue, and metabolic components carried in blood, such as oxygen, hormones, neurotransmitters and nutrients. This also encompasses the functional energy of each organ system. In summary, acupuncture aims to assist people in achieving balance, providing relief for many ailments, and maintaining optimal health.

  • Is acupuncture safe?

    When performed by a properly trained and licensed practitioner, acupuncture is safe and effective, free from adverse or free from adverse side effects. Like in any puncturing services, there is always a small chance of bleeding, tenderness or bruising (especially for those who take blood thinners), but trained needling professionals can take care of them swiftly.

  • Does acupuncture hurt?

    The needles used for acupuncture are much smaller than the standard hypodermic needles (only 2 times the width of a single hair). It is nothing like receiving an ordinary injection. In some cases, you will not even know the needles are in place. In others, there may be some tingling, warmth, heaviness, or a feeling of the qi (energy) moving up and down the channels. Most people find acupuncture extremely relaxing, and many fall asleep during treatment.

  • How many treatments will I need?

    That depends on the duration, severity, and nature of your complaint. You may need only a single treatment for an acute condition. A series of 6-12 treatments may resolve many chronic problems. Some degenerative condition may require treatments over a longer period of time. To help reduce the number of treatments, practitioner may suggest dietary modification, specific exercises regimes, relaxation techniques, self-acupressure, and/or Chinese herbal medicine, all of which may help to increase the efficacy of acupuncture.

  • How long is an acupuncture visit?

    Usually the first visit is the longest in order to allow for a complete history taking and exam – typically one to one and one-half hours. Follow-up visits are generally shorter, usually 30 - 45 minutes.

  • What should one do before/while receiving acupuncture?

    Relaxation is the key to a comfortable treatment. There is no need to be frightened. Ask your practitioner any questions you have so that you can get the most benefit possible from the treatment. Do not change your position or make sudden movements. If you are uncomfortable, tell your practitioner. Always eat a bit before coming to acupuncture, coming to a needling session with empty stomach sometimes may cause a rare condition called Needle Fainting, an uncomfortable episode of nausea-induced dizziness-filled feeling.

  • What to expect after the treatment?

    The outcome of the treatments differs between patients based on how long they’ve experienced the pain or disease. Majority of patients feels relief after the first treatment. Depending on the condition, the practitioner may recommend a treatment plan including how many times the patients should get treated. Patients who follow the treatment generally see improvement. Acupuncture takes time but it is effective and at the end of the day your body will thank you!

  • What are the limits of acupuncture

    Acupuncture is a powerful healing tool, but it is not the only solution to every health care problem.
    Both Western and Eastern Medicines have their respective strengths and weaknesses, which is why in modern China, the two systems are commonly used together. When appropriately combined, the patient is better served. Generally speaking, acute, life-threatening conditions are best handled by Western medical doctors, please call 9-1-1 in an emergency situation. Routine health problems and chronic conditions, for which medication and surgery have not been effective, often benefit from Acupuncture and Eastern Medicine.